I just finished studying lesson 27-37 of Lithuanian Basics so I decided to write down my own notes. If you happen to know this glorious language, please correct me if you see anything wrong.

General Rules For Past Simple

For “o” words (verbs ending in “o” for the third person single), change the “o” into “ė”. And then conjugate accordingly for other pronouns.

jis sako (he’s saying) -> jis sakė (he was saying) ->
aš sakiau (I was saying)
tu sakei (you were saying)

jis daro (he’s doing) -> jis darė (he was doing) ->
mes darėme (we were doing)
jūs darėte (plural you were doing)

For “i” words, take the “ti” ending of the infinitive and change it to “o” (sometimes a filler consonant is necessary) and conjugate from there.

turėti (to have) -> turėjo ->
aš turėjau (I had)
tu turėjai (you had)
jis/ji/jie turėjo (he/she/they had)
mes turėjome (we had)
jūs turėjote (plural you had)

Past Perfect

Just add a “pa” in front of the verb.

aš dariau (I was doing) -> aš padariau (I’ve done)
tu sakei (you were saying) -> tu pasakei (you’ve said)

What’s the difference?

Think of it as the difference between l’imparfait and le passé composé in French.

je faisais (I was doing) vs. j’ai fait (I’ve done)

Or the imperfective and perfective in Russian.

я читал (I was reading) vs. я прочитал (I’ve read)

Reflective Verbs

Reflective verbs are just verbs with “si” added to the end.

Verb without “si”

Aš plaunu galvą (literally I wash head)
I’m washing a head

Verb with “si”

Aš plaunusi galvą (literally I wash-self head)
I’m washing my head

Just like in French!

Je lave la main
I’m washing the hand

Je me lave la main
I’m washing my hand